eott solo drops
first drop – £270
our first drop! we sold 25 tees + 25 hoodies. meaning 50 fivers = £250.
big ups to…. for the extra score donation as well, g star
this £270 went to The Music4Minds project; a DJ/production workshop for underprivileged teenagers, these kids all coming from backgrounds of hardship relating to drugs, mental health, gangs and so on
run by top don Kennie (Junior Buzz), they selflessly put on this free workshop on a monthly basis (or so), having to make calls to so n so to grab a mic/headphones/soundcard… etc
so it was cool that with this money we were able to buy them their own equipment, meaning they didn’t have to worry about gathering n borrowing goods each time, stress saved if you ask us
second drop – £520
we done 50 hoods + 50 tees this time – 100 fivers = £500
again this went to Music4Minds, further adding to their equipment box with some speakers + a soundcard
this bigger box of equipment also allowing them to start doing another workshop in North London as well as South, sweet as
big ups also to Tommo for the extra £20 donation, respect
Audio Active
third drop – £1020
this time round, 95 hoodies, 75 tees + 30 trackies sold = 200 fivers = £1000
+ thank you to Alfie for the extra £20 donation
this donation took a little longer to decide, we put some feeders out on Facebook n what have you, seeking some Music/Mental Health related initiatives
we ended up getting a few recommendations about AudioActive, a Brighton based Music charity
so we reached out to them, jumped on the phone to Adam (Founder) + arranged to go and get some eyes on what they do
Adam walked us round the place n talked about a variety of different areas the money could have gone to, including 1 on 1 counselling sessions, music classes/workshops, equipment…
but there was 1 particular initiative that stood out, n one they were lacking support in, called ‘Room to Rant’
a music workshop whereby men come in and talk about their issues, but through rap + spoken word
and so the money raised will support its runnings for a few months + also help it open in 3 more locations across the county, nice!
shouts to Adam too, big respect
Brighton food banks
fourth drop – £1780
this time we shifted 101 tees, 118 hoods, 56 crewnecks + 25 mugs, equalling 300 fivers
we also had an ‘extra £5 donation’ button on our website this time, and got 56 of those! so huuuge big ups to everyone that pressed that
356 fivers
right in the mist of lockdown this time, we wanted to provide support to underpriviliged areas/places/people of our hometown, so we shared all this money with foodbanks
at the time of writing, we still have £300 to spend, but a number of foodbanks have received from us throughout summer; TTTB (TimeToTalkBefriending) for specifically over 65s, Voices in Exile (targeted at refugees), Brighton Table Tennis Club, Salvation Army, Whitehawk Foodbank, Tarner’s Childen Centre and Purple People Kitchen have received trolleys of lots of food – each of em getting between £180 + £250 worth!
sweet as
fifth drop - £315
so this was our Pride ‘u k, g?’ drop
thank you Lucy @ MindOut for all the help on this one, we bounced emails n phone calls back n forth for a good few weeks through this, advising us on the different areas that the donation money could support: suicide prevention support groups, peer mentoring, counselling or online support.
we sold 63 tees, meaning 63 fivers, raising £315 for MindOut.
we decided to go for the counselling, and we’re told that our donation would provide 25 lessons, which is pretty good we think.
Brighton food banks
sixth drop - £1250
selling 250 items we raised £1250. This was split again amongst a few food banks across Brighton, but this time for some more specific to particular demographics; for example Mutual Aid - Brighton’s only Vegan foodbank, they got £300 worth. £600 + £150 went to BMECP + Brighton Cauldron respectively, both BAME food banks who provide more culturally catered foods too, respect. Also, £450 went to our good friends at TTTB (TimeToTalkBefriending), there was some money leftover from our previous drop so we added it here, big love to Emily.
our ‘u k, g?’ collab with Krudd in April was for the NHS. 50% of profits being shared with them. Selling 186 tees, together we raised £1,199!
big love to Bru-C
us + Beastwang collabed for a Keep Hush party in March. with all ticket proceeds going to MusicMindsMatter, we raised £568 for that.
outs to Nico